Since 1979 Phun City Sound has provided Sound reinforcement and recording services for local bands and musicians. Voice over for videos, commercials and background sets for an assortment of clients.

In 1982 Phun City Sound relocated to San Diego, CA to reach out to local talent and support local Studios in specialty projects.

In 1996 console upgrades and post-production was added for work with video production houses and disk mastering for CD. Christian artists were the focus of the music and the production of original songs outside of the mainstream music business.

In 2004 we again relocated to better facilities and the ability for extend our reach and quality of service to the Christian artist community.

In 2004 we also teamed up with Home Grown Praise to begin an offering to original Christian artists that has never before been available.

So here we are readying the facility for 2005 opening and an expected outreach of Christian music not seen in any other facet of the music business.


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The PCS Studio has been designed for ease of access to get you and your equipment in and out easily. Instruments such as Piano, Guitar, Bass and Drums are available in the climate-controlled room and are ready for your use when needed. We try to make your time as productive as possible and free from set up time as can be afforded considering the dependence on personal equipment. From the moment you arrive every attention will be made available to understand and meet your needs.

Please contact us for more information.

Don't forget to visit Record for a little bit of guidance.

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