
The Analog recording system is a Linked Harrison 28X24X4 Mastering Recording console to dual Otari reel to reel recorders. The sweetness of the Harrison combined with the quiet operation for the Otari MTR gives a natural warmth to the recordings in this house unlike any other in our area. The acoustic qualities and warmth give strings and voices a life of their own.


This is our Harrison 28X24X4 Raven Console". 28 Track Harrison Systems Inc. Master Recording Console Raven 28. 1983 Raven music recording console introduced.

This is our "Otari MTR-12" 2 Track mastering deck.

This is our "Otari MTR-12" 4 Track mastering deck.


Digital Recording

This is our

"Yamaha AW4416 Audio Workstation".


A Yamaha AW4416 Professional Audio Workstation for recording, editing, mixing and mastering to CD in either 16-bit or 24-bit formats.

The Mixer • 44 input channels, 20 mix buses. • Motor faders and full mix automation.

The Hard-disk Recorder

16 or 24-bit recording (uncompressed). • Up to 130 tracks (16 tracks x 8 virtual tracks + STEREO TRACK).

External Computer interfaces

• Dell GX400 with 2GB of RDRAM. Both ATA-100 and SCSI hard drive technology. Storage of 80GB with in house network storage to meet your greatest needs. Video is AGP Nvidia TNT graphics accelerator to a 21" Monitor.

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The PCS Studio has been designed for ease of access to get you and your equipment in and out easily. Instruments such as Piano, Guitar, Bass and Drums are available in the climate-controlled room and are ready for your use when needed. We try to make your time as productive as possible and free from set up time as can be afforded considering the dependence on personal equipment. From the moment you arrive every attention will be made available to understand and meet your needs.

Please contact us for more information.

Don't forget to visit Record for a little bit of guidance.

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