
Phun City Sound Customer Service:

Phun City Sound is available:

9 A.M. to 5 P.M. PST, Monday through Friday.

Weekend Studio time should be scheduled in advance during normal working hours.

Evenings and Weekend are production access only.


Phun City Sound is eager to receive feedback about its work on your project.

If you have comments, please send them to:

Sending email to:

Calling 1.760.787.1080


Mail: Phun City Sound

333 Amigos Road Suite "B",

Ramona, CA 92065-5055

Attention: Publications

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The PCS Studio has been designed for ease of access to get you and your equipment in and out easily. Instruments such as Piano, Guitar, Bass and Drums are available in the climate-controlled room and are ready for your use when needed. We try to make your time as productive as possible and free from set up time as can be afforded considering the dependence on personal equipment. From the moment you arrive every attention will be made available to understand and meet your needs.

Please contact us for more information.

Don't forget to visit Record for a little bit of guidance.

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