Studio Time(Record/Mix/Edit)
$50.00 Per Hr.
Digidesign Pro Tools/24 Mix Plus 32-64 Track
Includes Engineer / Use of all equipment
1 hr minimum

Day Rate
$400.00 Per Day
Up to 10 Hours With Engineer

Block Rate
$40.00 Per Hr.
Minimum 20 Hours. Paid in advance

CD Master
$25.00 Ea.
From your DAT, CD, Or Studio Session

Basic Mastering
Sequencing, EQ, Level Correction,
CD Burn W/PQ Codes, 10-12 Songs

Advanced Mastering
$ By Quote

Studio Musicians
World class studio musicians for any genre of music.
These are hired guns that we bring into the studio for you.
Musicians used vary depending on the genre of music being
played, and the style you are looking for.

     One Studio Musician - $200.00 Per day

     Studio Musicians For CD Project - $1200.00 Per Day(10-12 Songs)

CD'S(Short Run)
$10 Each  5-25 Copies. With On Disc Label/Jewel Box


If your project isn't covered by one of these rates, then give us a call!...

Phun City Sound
333 Amigos Road suite B
Ramona, CA 92065-5055

Tab 1 Content Tab 2 Content


The PCS Studio has been designed for ease of access to get you and your equipment in and out easily. Instruments such as Piano, Guitar, Bass and Drums are available in the climate-controlled room and are ready for your use when needed. We try to make your time as productive as possible and free from set up time as can be afforded considering the dependence on personal equipment. From the moment you arrive every attention will be made available to understand and meet your needs.

Please contact us for more information.

Don't forget to visit Record for a little bit of guidance.

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